Recent Fellows

2024 Fellows

  • Abraham, Susan

    University of Virginia

    Spanish Literature; Mediterranean Literature and Religion

    Narrating Faith Across the Straits: Morisco Manuals of Faith in Tunis and the Early Modern Mediterranean

  • Alterwaite, Arielle Xena

    University of Pennsylvania


    Empire of Debt: Haiti and France in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World

  • Alves, Italo (Robert M. Adams-Charlotte W. Newcombe Fellow in Philosophy)

    Loyola University Chicago

    Social Philosophy and Aesthetics

    The Social Aesthetics of Recognition

  • Croteau, Chantal

    University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

    Sociocultural Anthropology

    Contentious Relations: Kinship, Personhood, and Extractive Industry in Thailand

  • Davennes, Aurelien

    University of Southern California

    American Studies; Cultural Anthropology

    Vodou in Magic City: Migration and Subjective Formation Among the Haitian Diaspora of Miami

  • Diehr, Christene

    University of California, Berkeley

    Medieval Europe

    Paying your dues: the birth of the tithe in Carolingian Francia

  • Dinenis, Nikianna

    Princeton University

    Early Modern Europe

    Women Readers in the Holy Roman Empire, 1400-1600

  • El-Shafei, Alaa

    Columbia University

    Middle Eastern Studies

    Convicts on the Nile: Prisons and the Making of Modern Egypt

  • Freeman, S.

    University of California, Berkeley


    Quantifying Mobility: The Politics of Humanitarian Data Collection in South Sudan

  • Garcia, Miranda

    University of Michigan

    Sociocultural Anthropology

    Entrepreneurs and the Search for Dignity in Post-Castro Cuba

  • Hoover, Hannah

    University of Michigan


    Networking Households, Building a Nation: A Study of Yamasee Towns in Colonial South Carolina

  • Isaacson, Clio

    Rutgers University


    Women of the Nahuatl Annals: Writing the Lives of Women in Late Pre-Hispanic and Early Colonial Mexico

  • Lawson, Sierra (Carpenter/Newcombe Fellow)

    UNC Chapel Hill

    Religion and Culture

    Spilled Milk, Spilled Blood: Breastmilk, Genealogy, and Religion in Transatlantic Spanish Empire

  • Marquardt, Savannah

    Yale University

    History of Art, Archaeology, Classics

    Chthon: Material Eschatology and Burial in Colonial Southern Italy (5th-4th c BCE)

  • Mond, Ariel

    Rutgers University – New Brunswick


    Politics Imprisoned: Political Prisoners and the Making of Democracy, Decolonization, and Human Rights in Postwar France, 1945-1975

  • Ng, Kelvin

    Yale University

    Southeast Asian history; Indian Ocean history

    Vernacular Equality: Migration and Resistance in the Indian Ocean, c. 1920–1950

  • Pacyniak, Kori

    University of California, Riverside

    Queer and Trans Studies in Religion; Catholic Studies; Ethics

    Sacred Bodies, Sacred Lives: Trans Catholic Joy, Resistance, and Liberation

  • Pandya, Jiya

    Princeton University

    Modern South Asia, Disability History

    Broken Bodies, Handicapped Nation: Conceptualizing Disability and Welfare in Indian Nation-Building, 1920s-1990s

  • Scahill, Katherine

    University of Pennsylvania

    Sound Studies, Religious Studies, Buddhist Studies

    The gendered politics of religious authority in Thai Buddhism: Voice, embodiment, and sonic efficacy in the movement for female monastic ordination

  • Shaia, Fred

    Brown University

    International Relations

    Equity in a Warming World: The Global South and the Making of the International Climate Regime, 19722022

  • Thakur, Nimisha

    Syracuse University


    River song: Riverine ethics and autonomy on the Brahmaputra floodplains

  • Webber, Mariah (Carpenter/Newcombe Fellow)

    University of California, Santa Barbara

    Feminist Studies

    Capturing Intimacies: Collaged Explorations of Black Sexuality in Strip Club Culture

2023 Fellows

  • DeMaio, Matt

    George Washington University


    Made to Move: Placemaking and Accumulated Attachments among Palestinian Refugees from Syria

  • Dorjee, Tenzin

    Columbia University in the City of New York

    Political Science

    Religious Routes to Conflict Mitigation: Buddhism, Nationalism, and Radicalization in the Sino-Tibetan Conflict

  • Gavin, Dustin

    Yale University

    Religious Studies

    If You Buck: The Politics and Poetics of Majorette Dance

  • Hansen, Ben

    University of Minnesota-Twin Cities


    Between Trepidation and Hope: Palestinian Christians after the Arab Conquests (c. 650-750 CE)

  • Henry, Kelsey

    Yale University

    American Studies

    Racing the Life Course: Anti/Black Epistemes and Ethical Foreclosures in Child Development Science, 1830 – 1980

  • Kabdylkhak, Nurlan

    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


    Muslim Institutions and Scholars of the Kazakh steppe under the Russian Tsars

  • Komal, Zunaira

    University of California-Davis


    Translating the Symptom: Military Psychiatry, Islamic Cures, and Divine Calamity in Azad Kashmir

  • Koujah, Rami

    Princeton University

    Near Eastern Studies

    Islamic Legal Personhood: An Intellectual History

  • Lally, Erica

    Georgetown University


    “A Grave Menace”: The American Protective League, Citizenship, and Surveillance during the First World War

  • Laurenzi, Isabelle

    Yale University

    Political Science

    “Critical Ambivalence, Intimacy, and The Politics of Transformation”

  • Law, Sam

    The University of Texas at Austin

    Department of Anthropology

    Building a Dignified Life: Urban Autonomy and the Art of Living Otherwise

  • Majumdar, Aparajita

    Cornell University


    Planting Recalcitrance: Nature, Knowledge, and Heritage in a South Asian Borderland

  • Mehta, Gaurika

    Columbia University in the City of New York


    Bearing the Burden of History: Religion and the Minority Ethics of the Indo-Caribbean Madrasi Diaspora

  • Monque, Pedro

    CUNY Graduate School and University Center


    Extractivism and the Defense of Life and Territory: An Account of Latin American Environmental Thought

  • Moraes Traldi, Daniela

    CUNY Graduate School and University Center


    God, Fatherland, Family: Integralismo and the Making of the Far-Right in Twentieth-Century Brazil

  • Muci Barradas, Isabela

    Princeton University

    Art and Archaeology

    The Polyphonic Forest: Photographing the Amazon, 1970-1989

  • Myriam Fitoussi, Margaux

    Columbia University in the City of New York


    Jewishness and Fractured Genealogies in Tunisia

  • Peruzzi Sancio, Ariana

    University of Michigan-Ann Arbor


    Theorizing Displacement: On Involuntary Migration, Refugeehood, and the Right to Remain

  • Rolfsen, Avenel

    Indiana University-Bloomington


    “We Won’t Wait for the State”: Humanitarianism, Solidarity, and Charity in Senegalese History, 18801970

  • Wical, Will

    University of Maryland-College Park


    The Embodied Emotional Experiences of Black Men Participating in a Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program

  • Wyer, Sean

    University of California-Berkeley

    Italian Studies

    Constructing Convivenza: Multicultural Heritage and Cosmopolitan Rhetoric in Contemporary Palermo

2022 Fellows

  • Budhathoki, Thir

    University of Arizona

    English Literature

    Linguistic Justice in Writing Studies: A Decolonial Perspective

  • Clements, Henry

    Yale University

    Middle Eastern Studies

    History and the Struggle for Distinction: The Syriac Christians of the Ottoman Empire

  • Elster, Michael

    CUNY Graduate School and University Center


    Coming of Age in the Clinic: Ethics and Politics of Transgender Care in New York

  • Ferguson, Magnus (Robert M. Adams-Charlotte W. Newcombe Fellow in Philosophy)

    Boston College


    On Responsibility for Others’ Harm

  • Fox-Knudtsen, Karlie

    Cornell University


    Mud Spirits and Blood Power: Ethics as materiality in Kondholand

  • Girard, Gabrielle

    Princeton University

    Modern World History

    Modeling Democracy: The Global History of an Argentine Human Rights Experiment

  • Greenberg, Sarah

    Cornell University

    Political Science

    The Law is Not in Heaven: Authority and Covenant in Jewish Political Thought

  • Halcomb, Laura

    University of California-Santa Barbara


    Pricing life: money and morality in US healthcare

  • Hsu, Mu-Lung

    Arizona State University-Tempe


    Engaging Suffering: Free Funeral Service Societies and a Socially Engaged Buddhist Soteriology in Contemporary Myanmar

  • Joslyn, Daniel

    New York University

    American History

    Dreamers of a New Age: God, Sex, and Socialism at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

  • Kesse, Eric

    Michigan State University

    Modern World History

    Living with Water: Environment, Slavery, and Spirituality in a West African Stilt-House Community— Nzulezo, c. mid-1700—1870s

  • Kinstler, Linda

    University of California-Berkeley

    Modern World History

    The Afterlives of Oblivion

  • Levin Schwartz, Natali (Carpenter-Newcombe Fellow)

    University of California-Santa Cruz

    Political Science

    Testimony, Resistance, and Sexual Violence: Towards a Political Theory of Testimony as Democratic Practice

  • Mukherjee, Meghna

    University of California-Berkeley


    Immaculate Re-Conception: Redefining Health and Reproductive Risk Using Prenatal Genetic Testing

  • Nairang, Arif Hayat

    University of Minnesota-Twin Cities


    Halat chi kharab: Playful Existence in the Time of Political Violence

  • Prendergast, Emma

    University of Wisconsin-Madison


    The Moral Authority of Citizens

  • Rahman, Faiza

    Emory University


    Islamic Period: Menstruation and Muslims in Pakistan

  • Rodrigo Gonzales, Paloma

    CUNY Graduate School and University Center


    From Stained Souls to Stained Skins: The Presence of Religious Epistemologies in the Typification of Peruvian Bodies

  • Smith, Rachel

    University of California-Los Angeles

    Modern World History

    The Jews of Yesteryear: Ethnography and the Politics of Representation in the Late Ottoman World

  • Sohail, Jagat

    Princeton University


    Life After Hospitality: Practices of Foreigner Incorporation in Berlin

  • Strayhorn, Joshua

    Duke University

    American History

    Somewhere to Lay My Head: Black Religion, Mobility, and Migration in North Carolina, 1860-1890

  • Vale, Mira

    University of Michigan-Ann Arbor


    Data Values: Moral Entrepreneurship in Digital Health

2021 Fellows

  • Alnusf, Marzouq

    Northwestern University


    Global Racial Capitalism: How Race Matters to Global Justice

  • Berndt, Nathaniel

    Duke University

    Modern World History

    Descendants of Zabarkan, Citizens of the World: A History of Cosmopolitan Imagination in Decolonizing Niger, 1958–1974

  • Black, Valerie

    University of California-Berkeley


    Dehumanizing Care: An Ethnography of Mental Health Artificial Intelligence

  • Brick, Shannon

    CUNY Graduate School and University Center


    Rehabilitating Authenticity

  • DeGolan, Erez

    Columbia University in the City of New York


    Affect in Power: Public Joy in Roman Palestine and the Lived Experience of the Rabbis

  • Hall, Amanda

    Yale University

    American History

    Global Racial Capitalism: How Race Matters to Global JusticeTriumph: Grassroots Activism against Apartheid and the Global Challenge to Anti-Black Racism, 1971– 1991

  • Hammad, Omar

    Rutgers University-New Brunswick


    Digital Islam: The emergence of US Muslim counterpublics on social media

  • Hariharan, Anusha

    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


    “In Solidarity”: Feminist Friendship, Care and Ethical Life in Southern India

  • Kliger, Gili

    Harvard University

    Modern World History

    Colonial Reformation: Religion, Empire, and the Origins of Modern Social Thought

  • Kulisz, Abigail

    Indiana University-Bloomington


    Sacred Friendship, Holy Hatred: Christian-Muslim Encounters with the Book in the Medieval Middle East

  • Llaguno Nieves, Tatiana

    The New School

    Political Science

    Paradoxes of Dependence: Towards a Political Theory of Our Dependent Condition

  • Ndiaye, Gana

    Boston University


    “Plastic Migrants”: Race, Performance, and the Making of a Senegalese Muslim Community in Brazil

  • Riley, Alexis

    The University of Texas at Austin

    Performance Studies

    Patient Acts: Performance, Disability, and the Making of Mad Memory

  • Rose, Kevin

    University of Virginia-Main Campus


    Living Green: The Neoliberal Climate of Protestant Environmentalism

  • Sheu, Sherri

    University of Colorado Boulder

    American History

    “Parks to the People”: The National Park Service and the Long 1960s

  • Stamper, Aaron

    Princeton University

    Early World History

    Reconfigured and Remade: A Sensory History of Islamic Granada’s Reformation as a Civitas Christiana, 1474–1614

  • Steers-McCrum, Alexander

    Northwestern UniversityCUNY Graduate School and University Center


    What Does “Native” Mean? Disentangling and Decolonizing Settler Terms and Categories

  • Taylor-Seymour, Raffaella

    University of Chicago


    Intimate Rites: Localizing Queerness through Ancestral Spiritualities in Contemporary Zimbabwe

  • Urbanski, Claire

    University of California-Santa Cruz

    Gender Studies

    On Sacred and Stolen Lands: Desecration and Spiritual Violence as United States Settler Colonialism’

  • Weinberg, Tara

    University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

    Modern World History

    Land ‘Bonds’: Imaginaries of Property Ownership in South Africa, 1900–1994

  • Wisniewska, Karolina

    University of Arizona


    Identity, Inequality, Injustice

  • Wright, Kristine

    Princeton University


    Bodies of Light and Knowledge: Mormon Women, Religious Authority and Theologies of Health

2020 Fellows

  • Barringer, Justin

    Southern Methodist University

    Graduate Program in Religious Studies

    Protest and Politics: A Biographical Theology of Bayard Rustin, Friendship, Charity, and Economic Justice

  • Davis, Tyler

    Baylor University


    Spirit in the Whirlwind: Discernment, Divine Activity and the Limits of Political Theology

  • Demaree-Cotton, Joanna

    Yale University


    Rehabilitating Moral Agency in the Age of Cognitive Science

  • Ellis, Isaiah

    University of North Carolina

    Religious Studies

    The Southern Gospel of Good Roads: Religion, Race, and Mobility in the United States, 1880-1930

  • Feiss, E.C.

    University of California, Berkeley

    History of Art

    Maximum Feasible Participation: Art in the War on Poverty, 1959-1973

  • Friend, Juliana

    University of California, Berkeley


    “Don’t Click Here!” Porn, eHealth and Radical Ethics of Care in Senegal

  • Hashmi, Zehra

    University of Michigan

    Anthropology and History

    Identifying Kin: Biometric Belonging and Databased Governance from Colonial South Asia to Postcolonial Pakistan

  • Kaur, Manpreet

    Columbia University


    A Performance History of Farid

  • Kornstein, Harris

    New York University

    Media, Culture, and Communication

    Queer Enchantment: Contours, Cruising, Crystal Visions, and Other Queer Tactics for (Not) Being Seen

  • Lesley, Elena

    Emory University


    Testimony as Moral Performance: Productively assembling the Khmer Rouge past amid ongoing political violence in Cambodia

  • Fresko Madra, Lara

    Cornell University

    History of Art and Visual Studies

    The Persistence of Violence: Heterochronic Imagination and Historiography in Contemporary Art from Turkey (1990-2020)

  • Menashe, Tamar

    Columbia Univeristy


    The Imperial Supreme Court and Jews in Cross-Confessional Legal Cultures in Germany, 1495-1690

  • Pinedo-Padoch, Sofia

    Princeton University


    Life After Death in New York City: An Ethnography of Public Administration

  • Rossler, Cody

    SUNY Stony Brook University


    Race Science on Tour: Instructing Publics in Provincial Britain, 1830-1870

  • Teeters, Lila

    University of New Hampshire


    Native Citizens: The Fight For and Against Native Citizenship in the United States, 1866-1924

  • Thornton, Thomas

    The Johns Hopkins University


    A Pastoral Prison: Ethics, Violence, and Place in Cotton County, Alabama

  • Tran, Tara

    Johns Hopkins University


    Hospitality Engendered: Women’s Bodies, Empire, and Humanitarianism in Colonial Cambodia

  • Wilkinson, Annie

    University of California, Irvine


    Securing the Family: Transnational Anti-Gender Activism in Mexico

  • Xiao, Hai

    University of Wisconsin-Madison


    Spirituality and Subjectivity: Making Sense of Lived Experiences in an African City

  • Yang, Guangshuo

    Northwestern University


    Between the Animal Kingdom and Modern States: Buddhist Animal Protectionism and the Making of Modern China