Wisniewska, Karolina
University of Arizona
Identity, Inequality, Injustice
University of Arizona
Identity, Inequality, Injustice
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Modern World History
Land ‘Bonds’: Imaginaries of Property Ownership in South Africa, 1900–1994
University of California-Santa Cruz
Gender Studies
On Sacred and Stolen Lands: Desecration and Spiritual Violence as United States Settler Colonialism’
University of Chicago
Intimate Rites: Localizing Queerness through Ancestral Spiritualities in Contemporary Zimbabwe
Northwestern UniversityCUNY Graduate School and University Center
What Does “Native” Mean? Disentangling and Decolonizing Settler Terms and Categories
Princeton University
Early World History
Reconfigured and Remade: A Sensory History of Islamic Granada’s Reformation as a Civitas Christiana, 1474–1614
University of Colorado Boulder
American History
“Parks to the People”: The National Park Service and the Long 1960s
University of Virginia-Main Campus
Living Green: The Neoliberal Climate of Protestant Environmentalism
The University of Texas at Austin
Performance Studies
Patient Acts: Performance, Disability, and the Making of Mad Memory
Boston University
“Plastic Migrants”: Race, Performance, and the Making of a Senegalese Muslim Community in Brazil