Lawson, Sierra (Carpenter/Newcombe Fellow)
UNC Chapel Hill
Religion and Culture
Spilled Milk, Spilled Blood: Breastmilk, Genealogy, and Religion in Transatlantic Spanish Empire
UNC Chapel Hill
Religion and Culture
Spilled Milk, Spilled Blood: Breastmilk, Genealogy, and Religion in Transatlantic Spanish Empire
University of Virginia
Spanish Literature; Mediterranean Literature and Religion
Narrating Faith Across the Straits: Morisco Manuals of Faith in Tunis and the Early Modern Mediterranean
University of Michigan
Networking Households, Building a Nation: A Study of Yamasee Towns in Colonial South Carolina
University of Michigan
Sociocultural Anthropology
Entrepreneurs and the Search for Dignity in Post-Castro Cuba
University of California, Berkeley
Quantifying Mobility: The Politics of Humanitarian Data Collection in South Sudan
Columbia University
Middle Eastern Studies
Convicts on the Nile: Prisons and the Making of Modern Egypt
Princeton University
Early Modern Europe
Women Readers in the Holy Roman Empire, 1400-1600
University of California, Berkeley
Medieval Europe
Paying your dues: the birth of the tithe in Carolingian Francia
University of Southern California
American Studies; Cultural Anthropology
Vodou in Magic City: Migration and Subjective Formation Among the Haitian Diaspora of Miami
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Sociocultural Anthropology
Contentious Relations: Kinship, Personhood, and Extractive Industry in Thailand